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Monday, January 9, 2012

Fast Food vs. The Bachelor

Apparently, I have a few opinions about the reality show The Bachelor. I know, I know please pick your chin up off the floor. Sara? Opinions? NO!

Anyway, please allow me to play Reality Steve for a moment. I seriously need to dish about this evening's episode. Please enjoy the bulleted list below.

  • Kasie B. is who he should end up with, I am calling it now. I choose her to be the winner.
  • Blakely, I am pretty sure she is a female impersonator. There is NOTHING wrong with that, I just think that Ben is probably into anatomically correct females only.
  • Courtney, it is scary to see Ted Bundy's offspring on a reality show. She is a case study waiting to happen. Also, why is it that every Bachelor DROOLS over models? She could have said, "Hey Ben, I'm a total psychopath, and the rest of the girls in the house know it." His response would be, "I really think we have a future together, you know, because you're a model."
  • Jenna, yeah not sure she is a writer. AWESOME at being dramatic though. Switch your career path, Jenna. Sorry you didn't get a rose.
I am certainly hoping you enjoyed my "analysis" of this evening's episode. However,I need to add a little epilogue. I can't imagine being on The Bachelor, I am sure it is a  little tough to have cameras around you all the time taping your every move. It probably would bring out the bad in anyone. Plus, I have the utmost respect for all of the women on this show because of the fact that they have to attend a "cocktail party" every week where they have to look their best. The "getting ready" for these parties alone would stress me out. This being said, please take my comments as a joke. There is no harm intended. 


Yesterday, I decided that I should have some fast food. I have been doing well over the last 1.5 weeks, and everything is good in moderation, right?! WRONG! Well at least for me. Apparently, after your body has been without fast food for about 2-3 weeks, it doesn't like it when you try to reintroduce that type of food. I would prefer not to go into detail so suffice it to say that I learned my lesson.

I am now determined to look at my Pinterest "Fitness" pin board whenever I have the urge to eat something I shouldn't. Oh my goodness, how I love that site.

Ending this with a Hugh Jackman photo. "What's that Hugh? You know I can become healthy in 2012?! Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence. You are such a dear. "