I know some of you are laughing right now, thinking "WHAT is she wearing?" I know, I know, but this is my show choir dress from my senior year of high school. I loved this dress. I coveted this dress. I never thought I would be able to wear it, but I made it my goal to make that group. Sometimes I still can't believe I did it, but I did.
Starting today, it is my goal to look like this again. It isn't going to be easy. I am going to have to put myself out there, tell the truth...first to myself. I am going to have to put in the work, go to the gym, eat the right things. I am hoping that by keeping this blog, it will hold me accountable for my actions. Read with caution because I plan to be honest about how I am feeling. I am hoping though that I may inspire someone to join me in my healthy journey, or even start their own.
Let's see where this leads! :) I am thinking somewhere exciting!!!!
I think we should end with a little Broadway lyrics...Broadway lyrics all always appropriate:
Baby, my future's all planned
I've got some dreams to make true
I thought that you'd understand
It's time to get serious
Time to get serious
Weight Lost Thus Far: 0 Pounds
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